Small-Group Testimonials
“BSBB has been there for me since the beginning of my journey and has helped me through the tough times of my journey and BSBB is still there for me and I have no doubt that they will always be there for me.”
"I am a recovering addict & alcoholic. BSBB is an organization that has given me not only friendship but also positive connections back into my community through acts of Giving Back.
BSBB has impacted my life & and one of my deepest passions more positively than anything else ever has. I am beyond grateful for BSBB & for Stacy Hendricks."
“More often than not, jails are revolving doors. Most of its occupants are what society calls “frequent flyers.” Unfortunately, most incarcerated men and women have no one in their corner fighting for them. They have burned many bridges with family and friends. The need for inmates to have a stable support system during incarceration and especially after release is vital to having any chance of putting an end to the vicious cycle. That relationship, especially in the absence of other support, cannot be neglected. Developing the relationship and trust during incarceration is most necessary to improve chances for success when released. This is what BSBB brings to the table.”
“BSBB coming to the jail every week gave us something to look forward to. It filled our hearts with love to have them come and share with us Scripture and Jesus’ plan for each of us. Especially for the girls who were so down, it gave them hope and peace knowing that God was there for them. All they had to do was turn to Him.”